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tv   [untitled]    August 5, 2011 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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joined below to the home of the that's the gateway hotel the grand imperial truly a tortuously bush coromandel you can see those images that you see don't need to go and. read the said the colonel was hotel as a retreat. for deja vu markets plunged the world wide spooked by the weakening u.s. economy and. risking a new wave of global recession. in my private conversation with the president of syria i discuss the same ideas reforms need to be carried out if you fail to do that then a sound future awaits president warns syria's president of the siege of an opposition held city continues more protests are expected after friday prayers. a slum. is on stability of a group of hardliners muslims try to enforce tougher show real law in london
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opening a new front of multicultural tension in europe. worldwide news live from moscow this is r.t. with me rory some shine markets around the world are on the slide slowing u.s. economy and e.u. debt crisis center financial through investors this is the sharpest fall since two thousand and eight and raises the specter of another wave of global recession more on this i'm joined now live by the gun you push all these off following the markets from brussels hi daniel so it looks like the markets in europe are heading for the fall now what is driving the fallout of this point. well the euro spreading to new countries france and belgium on next day yields have hit record highs against germany's. services authority has asked british banks to reveal how much they hold
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them on fears that that country could be next italy and spain have entered crisis talks with the e.u. as they yield critical of you guys so now you have investors pulling out of france italy and spain. and fourth largest eurozone economies and that is why. investors in the markets are panicking at the moment the leaders of france spain and germany are holding an emergency teleconference to try and stop the relevant to coming out at the top you have prime minister silvio berlusconi and his finance minister openly disagreeing on this solution solutions to the crisis and the e.u. president jose manuel barroso slammed on discipline communication by e.u. leaders for making the crisis worse and germany is furious at such an open attack this time when it's already critical started just a full on
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a regional pandemic here now across the ocean in the u.s. there's also a decline of voting a diff thought helped at all. well as in europe we've seen america really suffering and raising doesn't tackle the key problem which is making the problem worse even the more and their economy is weak because they know the euro the u.s. really thought the key issue yesterday was the wall street was years there was steep slumps in the share price and there are now fears that america will go back into recession which would strongly hit not just america but the whole world economy and the u.s. and europe politicians keep trying to reassure the public that everything is ok but it's investors who are really making decisions they're the ones that are pulling their money out of these markets and they're saying that they don't they don't like the situation at the moment at all but i know you know you talk about recession fears a multibillion euro bailouts for europe stock markets doing a nosedive just
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a gloomy outlook for the financial situation around the world today on a bushel brussels thank you. bangkok based economist at the asian economy will easily withstand america and europe's turmoil just like it did before . the concern that we have now is that we have to see growth rates in asia come down a bit further from where we had been expecting them and if you remember in the global financial crisis previously a lot of banks in asia got very cautious so they themselves decided to limit their lending and that's likely what we will face again as you may remember actually asian economies and banks didn't get that hard hit so again the situation today is is not that worrisome compared to the last two crises in asia for china remember in the past that they were able to continue to grow their infrastructure
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program and banks were providing credit for that so china probably is still one of those countries where you'll still see acceptable growth remember they've been trying to manage down their growth to about eight percent and maybe we'll get there now but what you should see is china doing less in the way of tightening measures if the global economy is much weaker well our business desk is of course you can us up to date on all the developments i dimitrius here now dimitri i want the latest from your end of the question why i don't know if you can see it right behind me there's a monitor of the bloomberg terminal and everything is read pretty much except for the index of spain and milan stock exchange is a good read in milan so exchanges they're the only ones up really so there's a global plunge a global nosedive russia is not an exception might say it's down two point four percent the r.t.s. even more than that three point four percent in the twenty five minutes time there's going to be crucial data coming out from the united states that's unemployment data for the month of july so it's expected that the united states
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labor department will report seventy five thousand new jobs created in july and that's of course not enough to go ahead and see some kind of recovery in the u.s. economy that means the unemployment rate pretty much stays at nine point two percent if the figures better than that we might see some kind of rebound on the dow jones and on global markets if not. then we'll see another day of. hope we will see the u.s. unemployment report coming out in time for your business bulletin in about twenty minutes or so thanks. president medvedev is urging syria's leader bashar assad to kick start reforms and end the violence in his country before it's too late to reach a movie that was giving an extensive interview to our well as echoed radio and georgian t.v. channel p i k here's a preview of the full version of the interview is coming up in about twenty minutes time. unfortunately the situation in syria has taken a dramatic turn we real politicians should follow developments like gadhafi gave
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violent orders to destroy the opposition the syrian president gave no such orders unfortunately a lot of people are dying in syria this is our biggest concern in my private conversation with the president of syria and in the private letters i sent him i discussed the same ideas reforms need to be carried out you should establish peace with the opposition establish peace in the country and create a modern state if he fails to do that then a sad future awaits him but at the end of the day we'll have to make a decision we are watching the situation it is changing our guidelines are two. meanwhile antigovernment protests continue across syria despite an ongoing crackdown by the military reports suggest five days of an assault on the city of homs has left some two hundred people dead that's out of the opposition dismissed or to create from president assad proposing a multi-party government system saying the violence has to end before dialogue
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gives the u.s. says it's working with its allies to apply more pressure on syria beyond sanctions but arab lawyer. says such threats become productive. the pressure international pressure on syria is producing some results what is lacking is the action on the syrian side they have to make the changes that require. principly stop killing people remove some of the leadership. on the part decide on the government and the military and i think the threats that the u.s. and france and leave and britain. applying to syria is very counterproductive it is not acceptable what's happening you have to have a dialogue but they're resisting falling into it seemed to have fallen before with iraq when there will be security council said they will not invade iraq. they said in libya are you going to have a no fly zone as it turned out to be into
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a war and invasion of libya. leadership tension a very different kind in britain of hardline of muslims trying to enforce sharia law in london from abstention to a mutation party's lore and it's been hearing how they want to instill that tough code on the capital. so we are here to tell you that islam. is unstoppable in europe stoning for adultery cutting off hands for stealing death of renouncing islam this group of men is trying to enforce should really look for in the u.k. they've started a campaign to make certain areas of london and other cities islamic law controlled zones starting with will from stone east london to be the one you go to when you go visit these families will try to to to the muslim and almost immediately also looking to believe that muslims have to gather trade according to the shari'ah resolve the problems according to the shari'ah and even police themselves to a large extent hopefully one day try to some governments which will have authority
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look at the security locally and you provide well for locally choudhry and his friends are fly posting parts of london with large muslim populations they want to ban drinking gambling and playing music and they say they've got bands of young men ready to patrol and in full shari'a law by any means you know out in force or it will not initially be in on the level of inviting and it didn't forgive me but islam is here but it's different it's what do you say to be so evil i come over free situation if you do so. by that you mean everything of course i believe that i need a mosque should be run out of the area these muslims say british society is broken little with drugs crime and prostitution because of that they firmly believe members of the communities they're targeting will welcome sharia law but the word of the street about the campaign tells a different story comes down so if you don't like the laws of the place you live find somewhere way to appreciate the laws and and all of these things are
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completely legal in the sun trace this is not india pakistan this is england we've got our own laws people have no rights can here bring their laws in here we often have trouble but councillor martin isa. griese say this could destroy community cohesion we've got swat scurry around the house is a sin because we do not want these posters around if you know. that they have no place in with them for us citizen equality campaigners say that she really supports it shouldn't be considered a religious movement as a full right political organization with a poster campaign designed to divide and conquer communities the danger lies in dividing people dividing communities creating mistrust particularly among from non muslims towards moderate muslims i think this is part of their aim is to create mistrust so they can then trying to moderate muslims and say look everyone hates
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you we're your friend turn to us i mean it's a very very dangerous thing and it's a political tactic to increase their own power undeterred by opposition childfree and his group plan what they see is the beginning of an islamic emirate not just of the u.k. but all over europe police have mobilized to take these places down as fast as they appear but choudhry and his group say they formed bands of vigilante and forces to make sure syria is here to believe all physically and in other parts of london women have already been harassed for not covering their heads if these muslims ever get their way i won't be able to dress like this on the streets of them stay or many other parts of london brussels rome and paris. r.t. both and start love to. discover more on europe's struggle with multiculturalism online also right now america spends twenty three billion
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dollars on the most expensive drone planes in history as the country tutor's on the brink of economic. and russia's envoy to nato says the alliance is preparing a military operation in violence torn syria just to form a. soon after going to libya for a full interview belong to r t dot com. all right so thirteen minutes past the hour here in moscow you would not say the u.n. is given russia access to what's thought to be the planet's biggest golden cut of fields for exploration but it won't come easy may lie in a deep sea deposits of the mid atlantic ridge parties are ridiculous but has the details of the deal. russia has fifteen years to explore the the.
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mid atlantic ridge in order to find out whether indeed this is spector's gold and copper or are just backs contained there and if the research proves to be successful if they do find a war in the mid atlantic ridge that means russia gets the priority in the development of that field but this has never been done before no country has ever applied for the development of the seabed interest in international waters until last year china has decided that they wanted to ask for permission to research for any potential valuable materials in the in these seabed off the indian ocean so this of course brought forth many opportunities for other countries who are interested in develop development of such resources particularly for russia there's the the arctic the arctic sea russia is very interested in possible developments all of the oil and gas resource there in fact russia has for quite some time has been trying to prove that the alone also bridge in the arctic sea is in fact
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a continuation of russia's continental shelf and if they do prove that that in fact is the case of other countries agree with russia that that means russia will get to develop the possible incredibly rich oil and gas resources in that field of course russia has to compete with other countries who are also going for the for the peace of the arctic fire in those countries of course are canada the united states denmark norway and interestingly enough china parties are going to have one it's not good to have you with us here and i'll tell you that such a council of international headlines for you this hour libya's government has described but the younger son if you were killed in a nato airstrike a dirty trick the rebels claim that twenty eight year old comics because he was among the thirty two died in the raid which the lines says targeted a musician a military police officer with the southeastern turkey. in may one of could have these other sons was killed along with three grandchildren when
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a nato bomb hit their house they weren't. riot police have clashed with students in the streets of chalets capital and firing water cannons and tear gas the protesters were pressing for major changes to what they see as the country's underfunded and equal public education system over five hundred demonstrators were detained by security forces at least sixteen injured in the violence. one of the world's most active volcanoes are killer whale in hawaii has released a new flow of life on this river remains within the boundaries of a national park and is believed to pose no danger to nearby towns despite some roads in the area are reported to have been closed has been constantly erupting since january of one thousand nine hundred three. the writer of. one of russia's most remote corners where integration with china knows no borders.
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today we're in the far east and more regional road but rich area holding on russia's largest gold reserves as russia has just used an economic outpost a more is it making the most of its proximity to china but artie's of us have. a very warm welcome to this edition of prosecute a stop this week coming see you from the amour region six ways is in the great hall this reaches of the us is four weeks with thousands of kilometers away from you in moscow but a mere like minutes by leaps from china and unsurprisingly the influence of china and its culture is everywhere here. high heels and a hard hat it's not a look many women can pull off but their little one on a wrist or if she prefers to be called in russia is no ordinary woman having first arrived in a mall as an interpreter in the early ninety's she and her family work their way up
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from running a small cafe shining this large construction company. and spread across the region's capital blogger there no fewer than four large chinese restaurants full most nights and serving up the taste of the orient to russians on line is it's an impressive pool failure and one that the mother of two says she couldn't have built in china. if they said i saw an opportunity to create something here russia needs skilled laborers and with china being so close and easy access to chinese goods equipment and already workforce. and the receiver is just one of a growing vandar successful chinese entrepreneurs operating in russia's far east where a river is longer that separates the two countries easy proximity coupled with favorable visa regulations continues to inspire thousands of chinese workers people like sasha to flock across the border every year is
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a tried and tested business model selling cheap chinese clothes. so whether it's a pair of trainers that you rot or perhaps the most designer sunglasses this is where the people of like a version of head to pick up bargain were inside the chinese market which then the sense of town and of course everything inside here bad the label made in china and all the sellers also come from china and let me tell you it's absolutely packed inside here and how it's like this every single day so clearly business is weaving . i've been here for three years i left china as there weren't enough jobs things are going well here you can get things really cheap here which is great if you are a large family the quality varies hugely but on balance i think we're lucky to have chinese traders here russian goods just can't compete on pricing. and by hopping on one of the many packed ferries that cross the more river every day russian
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consumers can enjoy an even more authentic chinese shopping experience. albeit with a slight slavic flavor back here for a bargain and in the process helps and fuel the chinese economy it's led sons of fear that russia is far east in its flaunted by its entrepreneurial neighbor the same used to cerberus pessimists revel in self-pity at the sight of china forging ahead while optimists think of ways to develop blagoveshchensk of the same pace using chinese expertise capital and labor i believe our region is hugely fortunately border china if we compare our city to others in russia we're much better off in almost every respect i was told of extensive plans for more joint ventures in greece integration between the two countries as far as government is concerned it's a relationship where strengthening founding here on the a more coastline it's a near a five minutes by boat across to china so close you always feel that you can reach
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out and touch it and people living here say that they've been witness to the phenomenal pace the developments along the high paying sly representative of the growth of the chinese economy as a whole and its influence here in russia alison bed r t v n more region. right out for the business of the military is here. and what we are with they're saying right now is of course the continuation of the worst sell off since the middle of october two thousand and eight on the stock markets now the nosediving after paul u.s. economic data showed slowing growth after an already sluggish pace in the first half then was boosted by news from europe the region's sovereign debt problem is in the gulf in two of its largest economies spain and italy which are the only in the cities which are gaining right now actually their partners from the national australia bank says it's a time when cash is king. the simply not going into gold has not been the
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experience of the last twenty four hours he what we've seen is a lot of a lot of very very large losses have been racked up many markets were down five percent overnight now when you've got losses of that scale you've got to you've got to finance them really what we're seeing here is investors are still selling the good bits of their fought for you in order to finance the losses in the bad when they're faced with margin calls and so on so i think that the the whole investment universe is shrinking here and the the safest place to go is cash huge you nothing it will make you nothing but actually the guy who lost nothing yesterday we came out top of the pile nothing is not a bad thing to have right now and while global in the sea there are treating from ethiopia's capital says the russian markets are likely to be the first in line to see an upswing. russia has had a fantastic run look at the my sixty's it's not a great run over the last few weeks or so slowly start to come off but it's coming
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off from the highs and with the increased amount of exposure to u.s. date with a high amount of exposure to the oil and gas markets i feel there is a near term downside for russia it was used to be had but when the recovery comes it will come to some point then the russian market does seem very well positioned to benefit quite significantly from it's. harmless fun you look at those figures on the markets and gold is edging up it's adding another eighteen dollars per ounce or silver that fifty nine cents that's after concerns over us and euro zone economies have said the best is of course looking for safe haven assets metals have traditionally been those assets while prices are making a comeback that's true for brant it's up ninety cents will light sweet is down around thirty two cents a barrel at eighty six dollars thirty one cents now it's moved to europe markets there on the downside they're extending the global sell off all sectors are trading
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deep in the red banks among the worst performers bank of scotland was now was losing twenty one percent earlier in the days now around eight percent lower that's after the bank swung to second quarter loss markets in russia of course joining the panic across international floors a second day in a row r.v.s. the down to three and a half percent nice x. two and a half percent lower than losing more than two percent the previous day if we look at the main movers energy majors among the worst performers on low prices gas form is losing three and three quarters of a percent so rosneft fell to its lowest since the standoff that will plunge to new york that's on speculation a few of them own fault and financial stocks are also under pressure telecommunications company one of the worst decline is more than five percent in the red it was news. markets are and more and the u.s. has managed to stave off
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a potentially crippling fault but many countries are considering we do sing their largest oil reserves into other less risky currencies however exactly you divert her bag argues they aren't much better. and swedes are learnt to have a lot of reserves in the years dollar but this basically means there's not much difference between since france or the american dollar because systrom is backed by american dollar rates and we are all kind of in the same lorries and there is not that many alternatives. in the long haul since all children see it's own growing and actually euro is a good substitute for the dollar it will see repaying debts rather than that of separate countries foreign banks have been leaving russia in recent months sweden swedbank britain's h.s.b.c. and barclays are spending their operations in the country but your gods from the
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association of european businesses doubts that they completely lost interest in the russian retailer about it. market is interesting that's because they get some point in time entered into this market but you have to realize that it is also quite expensive office location workforce here the processes are expensive so you really have to reach a critical mass i think everything is great and even though it was tied to a you have to have a minimum amount of privacy as you have to have a clearly a minimum amount of clients and i do get there it takes time and costs money i would analyze the situation is such that these banks have decided at a global basis that it takes probably too long until they get there but it's not ok it's not a decision per se against russia isn't it interesting. all right just a reminder in around four minutes time crucial economic data coming out from the united states unemployment figures for the month of july it is expected that the
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u.s. will show creating seventy five thousand new jobs a month of july which of course is not enough to reduce the level of unemployment in the world's largest economy stands at nine point two percent at the moment how is that figure comes then than expected less than seventy five thousand and we will see an even larger plunge if it comes better we might see some kind of rebound to joint business r.t. of course next down around fifty five minutes time we'll have the latest figures and analysis for you.
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the list. just says. six.
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plans to close a team was in the cool gum region the firm influx from all over the world so i have a few centimeters to sell comics this time archie goes to the amore region. for the cold war still gets people like ducks for an ancient tribal fights to save its culture. for cranes a protected in the first the official make sure it's a. complete coverage of. bush a close up on our team. six. six. six six six .


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